Rohit Kumar (@rohitcoder)
Rohit Kumar (@rohitcoder) Maintainer of Code Arsenal Community, Product Security Engineer @ Groww. Bug Bounty Hunter & Programmer.

How to Detect & Fix SSRF in Python Django

How to Detect & Fix SSRF in Python Django


Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) is a critical web application vulnerability that can lead to unauthorized access, data leakage, and compromise of internal systems. In this article, we will delve into the detection and mitigation of SSRF vulnerabilities in Python Django applications. This guide aims to assist beginners in understanding SSRF vulnerabilities while providing comprehensive examples, addressing different approaches to fix them, and highlighting the impact of SSRF on compliance audits and industry standards.

Understanding SSRF

SSRF occurs when an attacker manipulates a server into making unintended requests to internal or external resources. This vulnerability arises due to insufficient input validation or insecure coding practices, allowing attackers to bypass firewalls and gain unauthorized access to sensitive data or systems.

Impact of SSRF

The impact of an SSRF vulnerability can be severe:

  1. Unauthorized data access: Attackers can abuse SSRF to retrieve sensitive data from internal systems, such as databases, file servers, or cloud services.
  2. Service disruption: SSRF can cause denial-of-service (DoS) attacks by overwhelming external systems with requests, impacting their availability.
  3. Remote code execution: By leveraging SSRF, attackers can execute arbitrary code on internal systems, leading to further compromise or lateral movement within the network.

Scenarios and Industry Standards

SSRF vulnerabilities are a common concern across industries and are listed in industry standards such as OWASP and SANS Top 25 Most Dangerous Software Errors. Compliance audits, such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), emphasize the need for protecting against SSRF and other web application vulnerabilities.

Detecting SSRF Vulnerabilities

  1. Identify user-controlled inputs: Look for inputs, such as URLs, IP addresses, or file paths, that are processed or used in requests originating from the server.
  2. Check for URL validation: Review how URLs are validated before being used in requests. Common flaws include weak or missing URL validation routines, which can lead to SSRF vulnerabilities.
  3. Analyze request patterns: Identify code patterns that indicate server-side requests, such as the use of libraries like requests, urllib, or any custom request functions.
  4. Review external resource usage: Examine code that fetches external resources based on user inputs, including API calls, file downloads, or remote content retrieval.

Example Vulnerable Source Code

Consider the following Python Django code snippet vulnerable to SSRF:

import requests

def fetch_url(request):
    url = request.GET.get('url')
    response = requests.get(url)
    return response.text

In this code, the user-supplied URL is directly used in the requests.get() function without any validation or sanitization.

Mitigating SSRF Vulnerabilities

  • Implement strict input validation: Validate user-supplied URLs to ensure they conform to expected patterns. Leverage libraries or regular expressions to enforce proper URL formats, including whitelisting or blacklisting certain domains. Here’s an example of secure source code that validates the URL using regular expressions:
import re
import requests

def fetch_url(request):
    url = request.GET.get('url')
    pattern = r'^(https?|ftp)://[^\s/$.?#].[^\s]*$'
    if re.match(pattern, url):
        response = requests.get(url)
        return response.text
        return "Invalid URL"
  • Apply a whitelist approach: Maintain a whitelist of allowed external resources and validate user-supplied URLs against this list. Only fetch resources explicitly allowed, preventing access to internal or unauthorized resources.
import requests


def fetch_url(request):
    url = request.GET.get('url')
    parsed_url = urlparse(url)
    if parsed_url.hostname in ALLOWED_DOMAINS:
        response = requests.get(url)
        return response.text
        return "Access denied"
  • Utilize URL parsers: Instead of relying on simple string manipulation, use built-in URL parsing libraries provided by Django. These libraries handle edge cases and ensure proper validation of URL components.
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import requests

def fetch_url(request):
    url = request.GET.get('url')
    parsed_url = urlparse(url)
    if parsed_url.scheme and parsed_url.hostname:
        # Perform further validation and processing
        response = requests.get(url)
        return response.text
        return "Invalid URL"
  • Implement network-level protections: Employ firewalls or proxy servers to restrict outbound requests from the application server. Configure these security measures to block requests to sensitive or internal IP addresses.

Python Libraries for SSRF Mitigation

To assist in mitigating SSRF vulnerabilities in your Python Django applications, you can leverage various Python libraries that provide helpful functionalities and security measures. Here are some recommended libraries:

  1. Requests - Requests is a widely-used Python library for making HTTP requests. It provides a convenient and secure way to send HTTP requests, allowing you to implement input validation and handle SSRF scenarios safely. Link:
  2. URLLib3 - URLLib3 is a powerful library that provides URL parsing and validation capabilities. It enables you to parse and validate URLs, ensuring that they adhere to expected patterns and preventing SSRF vulnerabilities. Link:
  3. Django URL Check - Django URL Check is a Django library that provides utilities to validate URLs. It allows you to perform URL validation using regular expressions or custom validators, ensuring that only safe URLs are processed. Link:
  4. Talisker - Talisker is a Python library designed to enhance the security of web applications. It provides protection against SSRF attacks by implementing strict input validation and URL whitelisting techniques. Link:
  5. OWASP Python Security - OWASP Python Security is a collection of security-related functions and tools specifically tailored for Python applications. It includes features that can help you prevent SSRF vulnerabilities and other common security issues. Link:

These libraries can be integrated into your Python Django applications to enhance security measures, validate URLs, and prevent SSRF vulnerabilities. Make sure to review the documentation and examples provided by each library to understand how to utilize them effectively.

Remember, using libraries alone is not sufficient to mitigate SSRF vulnerabilities. It’s essential to adopt a holistic approach that includes input validation, secure coding practices, and network-level protections in conjunction with these libraries to effectively safeguard your application.

WAF Rules:

  • Implement a Web Application Firewall (WAF) that includes rules specifically designed to detect and block SSRF attacks. WAFs can analyze incoming requests and block those that exhibit SSRF patterns.
  • Configure WAF rules to inspect the request headers, parameters, and payloads for SSRF indicators, such as internal IP addresses or URLs with private network ranges.
  • Leverage threat intelligence feeds and regularly update your WAF rules to stay protected against the latest SSRF attack vectors.

Cloudflare Protection:

  • If you are using Cloudflare as a CDN and security provider, take advantage of the security features they offer.
  • Enable the “WAF” feature provided by Cloudflare to detect and mitigate SSRF attacks. Configure the WAF rules to block requests that match SSRF patterns.
  • Utilize Cloudflare’s Firewall Rules to create custom rules that specifically target SSRF vulnerabilities. For example, you can create a rule to block requests containing specific headers commonly abused in SSRF attacks.
  • Leverage Cloudflare’s Threat Intelligence to receive real-time threat data and enhance your protection against known SSRF attack sources.

Monitoring and Prevention Tips:

  • Implement comprehensive logging mechanisms to capture and analyze server-side requests. Monitor logs for suspicious activities, such as requests to internal or unauthorized resources.
  • Regularly review and update your application’s access control mechanisms. Limit the permissions of the server-side components to minimize the impact of potential SSRF attacks.
  • Use network-level protections such as firewalls and network segmentation to restrict direct access to sensitive internal resources from publicly accessible servers.
  • Regularly update and patch your server-side components and dependencies to address any known vulnerabilities that could be leveraged for SSRF attacks.
  • Educate developers and conduct security training to raise awareness about SSRF vulnerabilities and best practices for secure coding.

By implementing WAF rules, leveraging Cloudflare’s protection features, and following monitoring and prevention tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of SSRF vulnerabilities and enhance the security of your web application.

SSRF and Compliance Audits

SSRF vulnerabilities can have implications during compliance audits. Organizations adhering to standards such as PCI DSS, GDPR, or industry frameworks like NIST Cybersecurity Framework are expected to address SSRF and web application vulnerabilities to ensure the protection of sensitive data and compliance requirements.


Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) is a critical web application vulnerability that requires careful attention in Python Django applications. Understanding SSRF, detecting vulnerabilities, and implementing appropriate mitigation strategies are crucial steps towards securing your application. By following best practices, utilizing security tools, and staying up to date with industry standards, you can protect your Python Django application from SSRF attacks and minimize the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches.

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